Human, Machine, Motion Sickness

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Manager of Research

Man, machine, motion sickness: this is what our research in the KARLI project is all about!

The aim of the project? To make interaction in automated cars even more user-friendly. What does this have to do with motion sickness? The less drivers have to steer themselves, the more they tend to choose alternative activities, such as reading on a screen – but what if they suffer from motion sickness?

This is where our research comes in, in which we carry out test drives with @FORD Germany test vehicles with test subjects in order to generate data. For this we have…

  • integrated a visual HMI from Studio Kurbos into an e-reader to help prevent motion sickness
  • developed an advanced navigation system that guides drivers through the survey situation in a standardized way

This data is needed to develop the prototype of an AI-based assistance function. The aim is for the prototype to make the right recommendations and take the right measures at the right time to reduce motion sickness.

You can find out what this looks like and how it works here.

Thanks to Continental, AUDI AG, Ford Germany, INVENSITY, semvox GmbH, Limbach, University of Stuttgart, Hochschule der Medien, studiokurbos®, TWT and Frauenhofer Institute for the good collaboration and the interesting exchange so far – together we are shaping the future of driving!

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